When Does the Hair Transplantation Scar Go?

The process of passing the hair transplantation scar varies depending on the technique used. While scars remain in planting operations performed with the old methods, there is no scar formation in applications made using new technology.

It is necessary to learn about the methods used before the process of passing the hair transplant scar. There are two commonly used methods. One of them is called FUT, that is, “Follicular Unit Transplantation”. The other is in the form of FUE, that is, “Follicular Unit Extraction”.

In FUT method, an incision is taken from the donor area. Since the incision is removed as a single piece from its location, there is a high probability of scarring in this method. However, in the FUE method, the grafts are taken from the donor area one by one. Transplantation is also done by placing the grafts one by one.

When Does the Hair Transplantation Scar Go?

The time of hair transplantation scar is short for FUE; For the FUT method, it may cover a long process. The only scars you will encounter in the FUE method are the scars that crust over as a result of the transplantation process. These wounds; During the first 15 days, it is necessary not to touch or scratch. After 15 days, you can wash your head with light movements and massage.

After the FUT method, you may encounter a thin and long scar. This wound is located in the nape area, which is used as a donor. However, the scar may be larger if the operation was not performed by a professional enough physician. On the other hand, due to the lack of necessary hygiene conditions, the wound may be both large and inflamed.

In the FUT method, if you have hair growing towards the nape, it is possible to close the scar. However, short hair causes the scar to be exposed, resulting in an aesthetically bad appearance. Different details are effective in passing this image and not turning into a permanent mark. However, if it turns into a permanent scar, aesthetic interventions are required.

When Does It Heal After Hair Transplantation?

The recovery process after hair transplantation varies from person to person. When it comes to making the scar permanent in the FUT technique, the following aesthetic interventions can be done:

Hair Simulation

This technique is actually a make-up application. In order to give the appearance of hair, a tattoo is applied to the area where the permission is formed. The permanence of this process is between 3 and 5 years. With the hair simulation process, an engraved hair image appears. In this way, the scar will not be visible.

Laser treatment

With laser treatment, it is aimed to improve the appearance of the wound. A better image can be obtained with laser shots on the wound. Laser therapy may not be suitable for particularly sensitive skin.

Is There Any Scar In The Donor Area After Hair Transplantation?

After hair transplantation, it is possible to leave a scar in the donor area. In the FUT method, more scars are revealed. In the FUE method, there may be no or very few scars. In the FUE method, scars that are too small to be noticed may occur.

The dimensions of the incisions made in the FUE method vary in the range of 0.7-0.9 mm. These cuts are located around the hair follicles. In the first week, the scars in the donor area are covered with a bandage. However, in the following weeks, when the bandage is opened, the scar may become visible and itching begins.

It is important that you do not scratch the area in order to avoid any damage. For itching, scars and redness, you should use the creams recommended by your doctor. You can also make a cold compress. In this way, the process of passing the hair transplant scar is completed faster.

In How Many Months Does the Donor Area Recover?

Recovery of the donor area may take a long time. The donor is the name given to the area where hair follicles will be taken. This region may be the back and sides of the head. The important thing is the excess of graft density. The higher the quality of the roots taken from the donor, the more successful the hair transplantation process will be.

Grafts can be taken individually or as a whole from the donor area. If taken individually, this method is called FUE. The whole grafting process is called FUT.

Healing in the donor area can be complete in a few weeks. A slight or obvious scar may also appear. Therefore, the appearance of the donor area can be improved by external intervention. If the hair strands taken from the donor area grow back, more improvement in the appearance is obtained. However, it may not always be possible for the hair to regrow.

When is the Donor Area Scar Closed?

The closing time of the donor area scar may differ from person to person. When the procedure is performed for the first time, a 3-4 day bandage is applied. After this procedure, the bandage must be opened and the hair must be washed. These procedures are performed by the physician. You should be careful not to scratch the part that has crusted in order to avoid any scars other than the existing ones.

If the operation was performed with the FUE method, complete recovery is expected in a 10-day period. However, the scars formed in the FUT method may be permanent. The following factors determine how long recovery will take:

  • The person’s metabolism
  • cell regeneration rate

In addition to these details, it is necessary to contact the wounds as little as possible and not to nail the crusts. Otherwise, there may be a delay in the healing process.

What are the Side Effects of Hair Transplantation?

Among the side effects of hair transplantation are symptoms such as redness, itching, burning, swelling and stinging. Because hair transplantation is a surgical operation, some complications may develop after the procedure. Swelling in the head area can spread to the face and eyes. These swellings can be reduced by applying ice compresses.

The swelling usually goes away in a week. When the bandage is opened after the operation, itching begins. You should never touch the itchy area. This symptom also disappears within a few days. Burning symptom can be seen in the donor area. Since this symptom can be severe sometimes, a cream is prescribed by the physician.

One of the most disturbing side effects is scarring. It is more logical to transplant with the FUE method to avoid scarring. The process of passing the hair transplant scar is completed faster in the FUE method.

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